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Packing Tips For Home Removals

Hello, my name is Pippa. Welcome to my blog. Earlier this year, we decided to move to a bigger home. Our house was bursting at the seams with three kids and a handful of pets so we decided to move to a bigger property further out of town. To be honest, I didn’t think that the moving process would take much effort on our part, but I forgot just how much stuff we have. I also wanted to make unpacking as smooth as possible so we knew exactly where everything was and weren’t living out of boxes for weeks. While we got some useful packing advice and help from our removalists, my husband and I also put together a packing plan that suited us and the kids. I started this website to jot down some of our ideas and tips — hope it helps you pack effectively for your move!

Relocation Tips | Moving With Your Pet

7 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Relocating can at times be such a hassle especially if you are moving with your pet. You want to make sure they are safely handled and reach the destination in one piece. If you are planning on moving with your "furry friend", below are some tips on how you can have a smooth removal. Contact the new home veterinarian Before moving, it is important to communicate with the veterinary of the state you are moving to. Read More …

Offing The Moths: Protecting Your Stored Soft Furnishings From Moth Damage By Removing Larvae

2 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When it's time to put furniture into storage, most of us will at least do the bare minimum to make sure the storage space is safe, checking for mould, damp, gaps in security and so on. However, when it comes to soft furnishings, one of the most clear and present dangers to the safety and condition of your stored furniture is the humble moth. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the adult, flying moth that likes to chew holes in your fabrics -- instead, they prefer to lay their eggs within the warm, safe folds of fabric, which provide shelter for the eggs and food for the moth larvae that emerge from them. Read More …

Should You Hire a Furniture Removalist?

17 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Between packing your belongings and lifting heavy pieces of furniture, moving can be a big ordeal. One way to simplify the process is to enlist the help of furniture removalists. There are several advantages to hiring professionals to help you. However, you might be reluctant to pay someone for a job you can do yourself. As you make your decision, consider some of the benefits a furniture removalist can provide. Read More …

Advice on packing your kitchen when moving house

3 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The hardest room in the house to pack is usually the kitchen. There are so many drawers, cupboards and appliances that come in all different shapes and sizes. There are many cheap removalists, such as Melbourne Cheap Suburb Removal, out there that will help you transport all of your belongings to your next house, but most people prefer to pack up their kitchen themselves before removal. Here are some tips that will help you along the way to pack up your kitchen. Read More …

Tips for Packing your Belongings for Storage

30 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

While you can get packing services from your self-storage company for an extra charge, it's better to do your own packing so that you know where everything is. Don't just throw stuff into the storage space; rather, take time to plan considering which items you will access periodically. These tips will help you in planning and packing so that you'll take the shortest time should you need to access your stuff in future: Read More …